CHC is a Patient-Centered Medical Home, or “PCMH”.
What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home?
The Patient-Centered Medical Home is a care delivery model that focuses on the whole patient. This means that treatment coordinated by your primary care provider (PCP) is provided when you need it, and in a manner that you can understand.

Our patient-centered medical home provides our patients with relationship-based health care that focuses on the whole person.
We include the patient and their families while respecting each patient’s needs. Each one of our patients is unique, so their needs are as well. CHC goes beyond understanding the needs, though. We strive to understand each patient’s culture, values, and preferences as well.
At CHC, we teach patients to manage and organize their own care at the level the patient chooses and supports them in this process.
Our providers, nurses, and staff recognize that patients and families are all part of our CHC care team and we ensure that they are fully informed partners in establishing care plans.