Committed to Excellence

CHC Board

The Board of Directors at Compassion Health Care, Inc. is a group of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and energy to provide the organization with ongoing guidance and leadership. They are vested with ultimate responsibility for the fiduciary management, and to ensure CHC fulfills its mission of providing comprehensive and quality care to its patients. A founding principle of the organization is that a majority of its Board always be composed of active patients of Compassion Health Care, Inc.

By assuring the Board reflects the many interests, issues, and concerns of our communities, CHC strengthens its commitment to remain a vibrant community-based organization responsive to the healthcare needs of the people and communities we serve.

Our Members

  • Kamara Barnett, Secretary
  • Tango Moore
  • Bryan Everly
  • Anthony Hearn
  • Deborah Lane
  • Gina Lunsford, Treasurer
  • Stephen Kikel, MD
  • Diane Sawyer
  • Kameka Totten, Chair
  • Stephanie Williamson, Vice Chair
  • Jerome Wilson

Interested in Board Service?

Compassion Health Care (CHC), like all nonprofits, is led by a Board of Directors and is currently accepting applications from those that may be interested in serving.

Ideally, Board Members will be active patients of CHC (seen within the last two years), with a passion and commitment to advocating for quality health care for the residents of Caswell County, N.C., Rockingham County, N.C., and all surrounding areas.

Click Here to Submit Your Board Service Interest form that includes a brief summary of the role and responsibilities of each Board Member.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to our CEO, William Crumpton at 336-694-9331 or by email at

Board service interest will be accepted on an ongoing basis and considered as positions on the Board when they open up.